Food, Photos and Travel

Monday, June 08, 2009

.0007 Acre Farm

After paying $5 for a single tomato at the farmers' market last summer, Jon and I were inspired to create our own vegetable garden. We have a small plot of land (1/3 acre), so I read up on Square Foot Gardening which is supposed to be a great way of harvesting a lot of vegetables in a really small space.

Since we are brand new to this, we are starting small. We built two 4x4' raised beds on our southeast lawn and filled them with a homemade blend of compost, peat moss and cow manure.

The bed on the left, if all goes according to plan, will grow Sugar Snap Peas, Cucumbers, Watermelons, Bush Beans, Lettuce, Radishes and Carrots. The bed on the right will have heirloom tomatoes, peppers, onions, leeks, swiss chard and bunching onions.


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